Love Believes All

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:7 KJV

Beareth all things, (Love) believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

We are studying Thee Person of Love which is God Himself. We are learning that certain attributes of God need to be present in His Children so that we can accurately represent Jesus Christ the Blessed Son of God. We have also learned that certain negative behaviors are not a part of God’s Nature nor are they a part of God’s Plan for man. In a previous lesson we spoke of God not being “ill-mannered” or “acting inappropriately” and another thing we talked about is God not being “Selfish”. We also taught on God not being “easily provoked” to anger and/or an unwise response. We learned from a previous lesson that God doesn’t think evil so neither should we. We have also spoken on God being displeased with sin (iniquity and wickedness). In another lesson we spoke on God rejoicing (delighting) in all truth. We previously learned that Love bears all things by carrying our sins, problems and even our concerns. In today’s lesson we will cover “Love believing all things.” This scripture mentions that “Love believes all things” but don’t let the word “things” lead you to believe that this is only talking about natural things. We (ihlcc) mention this because quite often in the Holy Word of God the word “things” is used to describe “words”. Moreover sometimes in the Holy Bible the word “things” is also used to describe “beings”. Therefore in interpreting this verse of scripture we must look at the broader meaning of the word “things” to properly understand that this scripture is speaking about all things in Heaven and the earth (beneath the Heavens) and including all things in hell. Yes, in general we could simply summarize this verse to mean that Love “believes in all things” (words and beings included) of God. If we were to substitute the word “God” for “Love”, which is perfectly scriptural because God is Love, we could say God completely “believes” in the Kingdom of God and the positive benefits of righteousness. We could articulate that point by stating that God “believes” in His System of Justice just like God “believes” in the Great Plan of Salvation through Jesus Christ. This word “believing in all things” is at least fourfold. First God does believe in all the natural things he created to perform a certain task in this earth. Secondly, God “believes” the best in all people all the time and in every place. Thirdly, God also “believes” in the spirits that are in the Kingdom of God to execute His will upon the earth and in Heaven. Fourthly, God “believes” in Himself which means when God sent His Word into the Earth to save mankind He completely “believes” the Word of God will prosper exactly where it (He) was sent. The Gracious Father also complete “believes” the Holy Spirit of God is more than sufficient to remove every yoke and destroy every burden from all men when given the right to do so. Therefore we can conclude from this short examination on “Love believing all things” that since God “believes” this way and to this magnitude we, as children of God, should also “believe” this same way and to this same magnitude. Yes, dear faith friend, we should “believe” that the natural things we received from God’s Hand will work correctly when we use them. Yes, we will need to walk by faith because sometimes we will need to keep confessing this when the car is not acting right until the car is fixed or replaced but we must keep our confession positive to properly be thankful for all that we have before God while living in this earth. Yes, we should definitely “believe” in people whether good or bad. When “believing the best” in every person we should be wise enough not to trust those people who are willfully sinning but remain hopeful that one day they will clearly see the Love of God and accept the Love of God into their heart to start doing right and loving all other people. This means you must be open to “believing right” to influence those around you to be converted and do right also. Yes, when it comes to “believing the best” in those who are saved we must strive to always “believe” for the fulfillment of God’s Word (the manifestation of God’s Will) in their life. Of course we know that God will always reward all those who stand for righteousness but we could do our part to “believe” each saint will see the goodness of God in the land of the living (down here on earth and much more when they get to Heaven). Since God’s kingdom was established to effectively and efficiently perform God’s Will we must “believe” in God’s System of Justice and Righteousness. Simply put we should always “believe” that God’s principles will prevail, such that even when we cannot physically see the full manifestation we know God’s system is still working on our behalf toward the complete manifestation. This should go without saying but it must be repeated, “We must completely “believe” in God!” This means we must “believe” in the reality of God’s Word being applicable to us today and we must “believe” that our Heavenly Father truly loves us so much that He will never desire to do us any harm or hurt and we must “believe” that the Holy Spirit of God has more than enough power and persuasion to take care of our personal hurts while He persuades us and others to do what is right and pleasing in God’s Sight (The Light). So, remember that God “believes in all things” which you should take to heart as God wholeheartedly “believes in you” and in the salvation of your whole family in Christ Jesus simply because Love never stops “believing”. Amen!